Power Supply Upgrade Along Track Works Phase 3a
PROJECT: WCML – Power Supply Upgrade
CLIENT: Keltbray Rail
DATE: April 2018
WCPSU Phase 3 converts the traction power supply on the West Coast Main Line (WCML) from a booster RC classic system to a
25-0-25kV Auto-Transformer system, between North Wembley and Carstairs. Phase 3 is split into three stages; the first of which is Phase 3A and runs from North Wembley to Whitmore. Keltbray Rail has been commissioned to undertake the design, supply and installation contract for Phase 3A.
The scope is to design, supply and install approximately 370km of Autotransformer Feeder wire and all associated SPS, cabling, return screening conductor (RSC) and cross bonding. This also constitutes the upgrade of the existing system to be capable of withstanding a 12kA fault current, meaning upgrade of several Mk1 isolators and installation of continuity jumpers at locations along the route.
Project Details
For this project WHRSL were engaged to provide the along track design of the Auto-transformer Feeder Cable for both aerial and insulated cable route, track bonding including the Return Screening Cable route, removal of the Insulated overlaps associated with removal of the existing booster transformers, replacement of track side isolators were the fault conditions are greater than 6kA. The works also includes the assessment of the routes to maintain not only signal sighting but also mechanical and electrical
clearances to signals. Due to the volume of design work required and the time constraints applied by Network Rail, a collaborative approach was required for the delivery of the design.
Individual Form B designs were required for each platform ccomprising of:
• General Arrangement and Longitudinal section
• Track Slue and lift Data Sheets
• Platform Data Sheets showing existing, interim and proposed platform offsets
• Assessments for Platform Stepping Distances, Platform Passing Clearances and Structure Clearances
• TEF Form
• Designers Risk Assessment
• TEF Form B certificate
In addition to the track alignment design, existing and proposed clearances where analysed using ClearRoute to determine if the clearances fell within the normal range. Where possible the optimum design alignment was to increase the clearance parameters to within the normal range whilst remaining within the lift and slew parameters. The track alignment design and ClearRoute gauging analysis were delivered in accordance with the project programme and agreed costs.
Wentworth House Rail Systems is a leading provider of Overhead Line (OLE) Design and Consultancy services.

Office Location
Unit 2, Wellfield Business Park,
Preston Brook,